
President Pablo Bernardo Peralta
Vicepresident Roberto Domínguez
Principal Director Isela Angélica Costantini
Principal Director Matías Agustín Peralta
Principal Director Juan Manuel Lladó
Alternate Director Alicia Mónica Tauil
Principal Statutory Auditor Contador Público: Francisco Guillermo José González Fischer
Principal Statutory Auditor Contador Público: Gabriel Orden
Principal Statutory Auditor Contador Público: Luis Horacio Biller
Alternate Statutory Auditor Contador Público: Sergio Luis Biller
Alternate Statutory Auditor Contador Público: Hugo Norberto Lusa
Alternate Statutory Auditor Contador Público: Certified Public Accountant: Claudia Díaz
External Auditor Claudio Norberto Bercholc
Alternate External Auditor Beatríz Viviana Marelli
Compliance and Ethics Committee

This committee’s mission is to ensure that all activities of the financial group are carried out in strict compliance with applicable legal and ethical regulations.
The committee fosters a culture of integrity and transparency by overseeing the implementation of policies and procedures that guarantee adherence to high ethical standards. Additionally, it is responsible for identifying and managing compliance-related risks, thus protecting the group’s reputation and sustainability.

Nomination, Compensation, and Sustainability Committee

The committee fosters a culture of integrity and transparency by overseeing the implementation of policies and procedures that guarantee adherence to high ethical standards. Additionally, it is responsible for identifying and managing compliance-related risks, thus protecting the group’s reputation and sustainability.

Credit Committee

This committee’s mission is to ensure that all activities of the financial group are carried out in strict compliance with applicable legal and ethical regulations.

Business Committee

The Business Committee focuses on the planning and execution of the financial group’s commercial strategy. Its role is to identify market opportunities, design and approve new business initiatives, and oversee the performance of the various operational units.
This committee works to ensure that all commercial activities are conducted in a manner consistent with the organization’s mission, supporting the growth of client businesses and maintaining a focus on innovation, efficiency, and operational excellence.
